Electron/Ion Microscopy Method Development
Mar 13, 2018

While not a fully-fledged “project”, a substantial portion of my work (including that on other projects) involves developing novel techniques for various tools, including the TEM, SEM, and FIB (on the data analysis side of things, see these two projects as examples).
Characterization of Zinc Carboxylates in an Oil Paint Test Panel
Zinc (carboxylate) soaps, formed by reactions between zinc oxide (ZnO) and fatty acids in a drying oil, are known to cause …
Teaching an Old Material New Tricks: Easy and Inexpensive Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Sample Protection Using Conductive Polymers
This letter describes an innovative spin-coating system, built from off-the-shelf components, that can easily and inexpensively be …
An Open Evaluation of Hyperspectral Unmixing Strategies for EDS Analysis
Aug 8, 2018
Baltimore, MD
Quantifiable Comparative Evaluation of FIB/SEM Instruments
Mar 2, 2017
Gaithersburg, MD
Analytical and Microstructural Microscopy Approaches for Materials Characterization
The atomic-level structure and chemistry of materials ultimately dictate their observed macroscopic properties and behavior. …
Dec 13, 2016
Adelphi, MD