HyperSpy and Open Source Microscopy Analysis

HyperSpy is an open source Python library that provides tools facilitating interactive data analysis of multi-dimensional datasets (e.g. a 2D arrays of spectra a.k.a spectrum images).
The project makes it easy to map analytical procedures used on individual signals to multi-dimensional data, as well as facilitating access to the wider scientific Python ecosystem for advanced analysis. Through this approach, HyperSpy provides access to analysis pipelines that are often difficult (if not impossible) to implement within commercial microscopy and data collection software. While originally developed for scanning microscopy data analysis, HyperSpy’s modular structure makes it easy to add features to analyze many different kinds of signals.
At the latest count, HyperSpy has been cited over 1,300 times, and has an extremely active developer- and user-base throughout a range of scientific fields. Development of HyperSpy is open-source and is not directly funded by any source, meaning all authors are grateful for support within their respective research groups to make the data analysis tools that they have developed available open source. For more details of my specific contributions, take a look at the commit history.
ETSpy: A HyperSpy extension package for electron tomography data processing and reconstruction
Advanced Analytical Microscopy at the Nanoscale: Applications in Wide Bandgap and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Materials
HyperSpy: Your Multidimensional Data Analysis Toolbox
Data Analysis in Materials Science
Open-source hyper-dimensional materials analytics using HyperSpy
Data Analysis in Materials Science
An Open Evaluation of Hyperspectral Unmixing Strategies for EDS Analysis
An Introduction to HyperSpy: the Multi-dimensional Data Analysis Toolbox
An Introduction to HyperSpy: the multi-dimensional data analysis toolbox
HyperSpy is an open source Python library, providing …
Computational Frontiers in Microscopy and Microanalysis
This talk was given at the Celebration of Microscopy and Microanalysis event in Gaithersburg, MD. The event was held at NIST, and …